1876 Old Swede Road Douglassville, PA 19518topwatertrips@gmail.com
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I Redeem Gift Cards
    • Just reach out! 484-335-8883 or Topwatertrips@gmail.com | Gift Card Bookings are scheduled on our Calendar over the phone or via email.
  • What do I Bring
    • We always suggest a hatsunglasses, & sunscreen if you need it for warmer months! Layers are best for early-morning trips and throughout the Fall & Winter! If we need Waders for our Trip let me know your foot size and height and I’ll have us covered.  We can provide any and all fishing, kayaking, life jackets, & necessary equipment! Feel free to bring any preferred drinks, snacks, etc. I’ll provide plenty of water bottles and a cooler for whatever we need! Otherwise, water-appropriate shoes are best, or something with a Toe-Guard or covered shoe that can get wet and protect against stubbing toes on rocks if we are Wet-Wading or on the Boat
  • Where do we Meet
    • We always meet on location/on the water for our Guided Trips & Lessons
    • For Marsh Creek & Blue Marsh Lake Boat Fishing Trips we will meet at a designated Boat Ramp
    • For Catfishing Trips we typically meet at Black Rock Boat Launch in Royersford/Phoenixville
    • For the Schuylkill River Kayaking Trips we will meet at the Designated Boat/Kayak ramp decided upon once our itinerary is finalized (Over Phone Call or Email)
    • For Wading Trips– Manatawny Creek, Little Schuylkill River, Tulpehocken Creek- etc… We meet either at a Desinigated Park sent over via Email, Text or Phone Call or at a GPS Map Pin Location with appropriate parking sent over after the Itinerary is Finalized.

Cancellation Policy

A.) For Cancellations more than 5 days in advance the full payment amount will be returned. If the payment was made with a Credit Card we charge a 3% Credit Card Return Fee to cover Processing Charges

B.) For Cancellations within 5 days of the booking we charge a 100$ Cancellation Fee.

C.) For “No Call-No Show’s” no return of funds is available.

D.) If the trip is canceled due to the Guide’s decision on unforeseen weather changes or dangerous water conditions, the trip will be rescheduled at the client’s next earliest available date. If Trip is Cancelled due to this reason; Guides Decision, Unforeseen Weather Changes, &/Or Dangerous Water Conditions the Booking Fee/Payment Will Be Returned.

E.) For Gift Cards- Gift Cards are Valid for 18 Months from the Original Purchase. Once the Gift Card Booking is Scheduled all other Booking Policies Above Apply. Under most circumstances, we offer 1 rescheduled date for Gift Cards if they are rescheduled from more than 1 week out of the scheduled date.

Fly Fishing is on! Stoneflies are moving on certain Streams open to Year Round Fishing! Smallmouth trips coming soon! Dismiss