A.) For Cancellations more than 5 days in advance the full payment amount will be returned. If the payment was made with a Credit Card we charge a 3% Credit Card Return Fee to cover Processing Charges
B.) For Cancellations within 5 days of the booking we charge a 100$ Cancellation Fee.
C.) For “No Call-No Show’s” no return of funds is available.
D.) If the trip is canceled due to the Guide’s decision on unforeseen weather changes or dangerous water conditions, the trip will be rescheduled at the client’s next earliest available date. If Trip is Cancelled due to this reason; Guides Decision, Unforeseen Weather Changes, &/Or Dangerous Water Conditions the Booking Fee/Payment Will Be Returned.
E.) For Gift Cards- Gift Cards are Valid for 18 Months from the Original Purchase. Once the Gift Card Booking is Scheduled all other Booking Policies Above Apply. Under most circumstances, we offer 1 rescheduled date for Gift Cards if they are rescheduled from more than 1 week out of the scheduled date.
1.) Please check the “What to Bring” Section of Our Website,, for your list of what to bring for your desired trip.
2.) Further Payment Instruction: Once the booking fee has been paid and confirmed the rest of your payment will be fulfilled in person using a Mobile Card Reader, Cash, or Check. The Booking Fee will be deducted from your total along with other discounts to be applied.
3.) If you need to be picked up for your trip this will be indicated in your Booking Form. Pick-Up Time is scheduled to be at least 30 minutes before the time slot you booked. This is subject to change depending on desired waterway and client location. Please Call to confirm pick-up time and location after booking during our normal calling hours.
4.) If you would like to Meet-Up at the Drop-In/ Wading Location this will be indicated in your booking form and the location of the meet-up will be sent to you in a return email after your booking form has been read.
5.) Booking Can be done up to 2 hours before the designated start time.