1876 Old Swede Road Douglassville, PA 19518topwatertrips@gmail.com

Top Water Trips

Some of the Waters We Kayak, Fish, Guide, & Teach On

Quick List of Our Waters

Southeastern Pa Fishing Trips
  • Schuylkill River
  • Little Schuylkill
  • Little Lehigh
  • Tulpehocken Creek
  • French Creek
  • Marsh Creek Lake
  • Blue Marsh Lake
  • Manatawny
  • Hopewell & Scotts Run


Travel Types
  • Kayak
  • Wade
  • Boat
  • Hike | Backpack | Kayak-Camp
Fishing Trip Duration
  • 1/2 Day
  • Full Day
  • Overnight
  • Weekend
Great date & anniversary trips with Top Water; take a Boat Tour on the Schuylkill River on our Jet Boat

Schuylkill river

Fishing in the Schuylkill River is one of Pennsylvania’s most rewarding fishing experiences.  Located in the heart of Philadelphia, the Schuylkill River is home to more than 40 species of fish.  There is potential for big fish, especially with the steady improvement of water quality in the area.

Due to the dedication of many partnerships and collaborations, the quality of the beautiful Schuylkill River is the best its been in over 20 years, allowing large, healthy fish to thrive in their waters.

Fishing Guide Services with Top Water Trips in Pennsylvania on Marsh Creek

marsh creek

Marsh Creek Lake is a perfect location to hook warm water species of fish, with prize fish of over 40 inches long to be found! This location is designated as a big bass lake, where largemouth bass, channel catfish, crappies, panfish, and muskies abound.

Enjoy the fishing on the lake and the views on the trails; Marsh Creek is a perfect location for the whole family!

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The Little Schuylkill

Like the main Schuylkill River,  the Little Schuylkill has made a major rebound from a severe mine drainage to a bonafide trout fishery with wild and stocked trout. Thanks to dedicated naturalists, anglers, and regular citizens of Pennsylvania, the Little S has been restored to the trout-rich waters they once were.

Tulpehocken Creek Fly Fishing Guided Trips with Top Water Trips

Tulpehocken Creek

Affectionately know as “The Tully,” is a tailwater fishery. With conditions similar to a limestone fishery, the Tully can be a bit tricky, with high rewards to match!

Hook yourself a large rainbow trout whilst escaping the noise of the city, relaxing on a kayak, and breathing the fresh air of the Tully!

Fly Fishing in Pennsylvania Fly FIshing Lessons with Top Water Trips- Fly Casting Lessons on the Tulpehocken Creek

Little Lehigh creek

Little Lehigh is a scenic creek perfect for leisurely kayak fishing trips for wild trout. Its conditions are perfect for producing wild fish, earning parts of the creek a “Class A Wild Trout Waters” distinction.

Top Water Trips Fishing Charter on our Jet Boat fishing For Bass on Blue Marsh Kids FIshing Lessons

blue marsh lake

Blue Marsh Lake is a National Recreation Area. It is heavily forested and popular amongst local anglers and boaters for its population of prize fish. Its numbers include various catfish, crappies, large and smallmouth bass, perch, wallies, and more.

Kayak Fishing Trips on Kaecher Creek Lake with Top Water Trips

Kaercher Creek lake

Wide open skies await you in Kaercher Creek Lake, where deep waters allow for plenty to catch.  Fish from the shores of get into the open waters. This creek is surrounded by a large, green park with a great family atmosphere.

Fly Fishing Lessons With Top Water for Trout on French Creek

french creek

French Creek is a heavily stocked trout stream located in Southeastern Pennsylvania not far from the big city of Philadelphia. It starts from Lake Hopewell and flows over fourteen miles into the Schuylkill River.

If you are in the area of Philadelphia, Fly fishing French Creek provides a great opportunity just outside the city.

Fly Fishing Guided Trips on the Manatawny for Brown Trout

the manatawny

Another beautiful river where you can escape the sounds of the city and be at peace with nature, the Manatawny is home to many varieties of trout. Stocked in early spring, but still populated by a number of wild browns.

This stream has it all, beautiful waters, surrounding nature, and of course plenty of fish!

Fly Fishing & Fishing Destinations in Pennsylvania with Top Water Trips at Hay Creek

Hay Creek

Hay Creek is a trout stream with the added advantage of cold springs and tributaries, keeping the waters at the perfect temperature for the fish to thrive. It is stocked with enough brown trout and rainbows to keep everyone happy for a long day on the water!

We provide many lessons on this stream for children as it is not too big to wade. Casting Lessons on the stream side and lessons on the water provide us plenty of opportunity to infuse a lesson into a guided trip!

10% Off Booked Trips with Code Spring 10 | Fly Fishing is on! Stoneflies are moving on certain Streams open to Year Round Fishing! Dismiss